The Christmas List (1997 TV Movie)
This One Quickly Became A Favorite With Me from Day One!
31 October 2005 well as a holiday tradition! Kudos to Merv Griffin Enterprises...

Who can not love Melody Parris, the main character? Yet, the main point of the story is how everything came together for her when she decided not to 'wait' for anything anymore. It was only when Melody stopped wishing and actually did something that all the pieces fell into place: like going to that swanky restaurant even though she had no escort, and joining in the fun with the other diners.

Favorite moment: Melody's honest, heartfelt plea to the cops who were about to tow her car away - 'if you take away that car, you will ruin whatever luck I have', or words to that effect. And you worked! Second most favorite moment: Melody dumping dinner in George's lap.

I'll never get tired of watching this one. And, for the record, I still watch 'It's A Wonderful Life', though many have gotten sick of it, sad to say.
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