Night and Fog (1956)
a horrible documentary that people need to see
31 October 2005
This short film is one of the best ones I have seen about the holocaust. It's blunt and unflinching in how it approaches the horrors of the mass extermination of the masses--particularly the Jews of Europe. Although VERY disturbing in its imagery, it is important because death and mass murder SHOULD be disturbing. Technically, this was well-made--with an excellent use of film footage and modern color footage combined with very good (and not preachy) narration. Because it is so blunt and disturbing, it's best that little kids not see this and older kids/teens who see this should have the chance to process and discuss the film.

FYI--try to find the Criterion version of the film, as it includes an interesting interview with Resnais (the director). He indicated that the French government censors made him change a portion of the film to block out the helmet worn by one of the policemen who is forcing deportees onto the trains. Apparently, he was a FRENCH policemen and this didn't "look good", so the scene was altered. Although a fine film, distortions like this are very scary--as this is revisionism and contrary to honest film-making.
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