Fat Albert (2004)
This movie SUCKS!
5 November 2005
Every aspect of this insipid movie is worth missing. Even the premise of this movie is stupid. An adolescent girl whose biggest problem is that she wasn't invited to a party! WHO CARES! Until a bunch of one note characters crawl through the television to her emotional rescue. There's the requisite fright scene in which Doris feigns shock and horror at this 300 pound anachronism and his numerous, equally anachronistic, friends. I don't think that I need to "expose" the countless inconsistencies and factual, as well as logical, errors, as others already have, and they are obvious if you have seen or, at the possible expense of your sanity, are about to see, this film. The key to this film is to watch the director's commentary. My partner and I were so stunned by the stupidity of this film that we had to see what the director thought of his work. To any viewer's profound horror and astonishment, it seems that Joel Zwick thinks that this film is a masterpiece. I guess that, in relation to the many music videos he's directed, he thinks that he was given a chance to expand his artistic vision. He employed so much hyperbole and bloated self-congratulations that I think he actually thought that he was Orson Welles incarnate, except that Orson Welles actually created a few brilliant films throughout his career and Joel Zwick hasn't directed anything of any worth (unless you liked My Big Fat Greek Wedding and episodes of Full House and Step by Step). Anyway, I don't have to say anymore but that this movie sucks and unless you are a small, easily amused child, you will not like this movie.
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