In days of yore when humour was literate...
6 November 2005
Mr Kaye has disappeared off the radar to a large extent here in the U.K.,which is very sad because he had a huge following in the forties and fifties.Perhaps his humour does not appeal to today's audiences whose idea of subtlety is to wear FCUK sweatshirts. I find "The Court Jester a delight.Unlike some Danny Kaye movies it is an ensemble piece with other actors making vital contributions rather than just making up the numbers.And it is so wonderfully well written. "Art for Art's sake - money for Christ's sake" may have been a Hollywood motto in the fifties,but so was "Do you want it good or do you want it Wednesday?" and the producers of "The Court Jester obviously wanted it good. Today's comedies?"Meet the Fockers"?Subtle title or what? "An unemployed jester is nobody's fool".Genius. "Kiss my ass you sad mother******"We all fall about laughing at this? If somebody could rewrite "The Court Jester" as a comedy about an illiterate foul-mouthed crack addict with baggy trousers and his hat on back to front spitting homophobic gynophobic rap in mediaeval England they would clean up at the box office.Oh God,now I suppose somebody will.
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