I Think Valentino played a difficult role very well
7 November 2005
This period story is realistic in its courtly manners, affectations, and bizarre make up. Like it or not, that's the way it was. All the men look like fops, but hopefully we do not believe all men in those days were ladylike!! Let us give Rudolph Valentino the praise he deserves in making a difficult role believable. He did an admirable job, and it had to have been uncomfortable and a worry-some role to play given the constant attacks on his masculinity. It took guts. He seemed to be playing some scenes "tougue in cheek" and he smiled throughout. The settings are wonderful, but the story seems bogged down.

Certainly the director could have led the story/play by Booth Tarkington through better contrived scenes where the actors portrayed more interesting situations. Often, they stood in position as if asking "What comes next" They may have well just butted their heads together. It was out of whack in a way hard to describe.

Might another director pulled it off? Maybe. Nazamova knew how to weave a story before your eyes. (I am thinking of Camille) I feel the male actors held up their end of the action. The women were insipid. Valentino was very good. Three cheers, he brought it off. I liked the movie despite my criticism.
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