Very humorous early short that showcases Martin's talents
13 November 2005
This was previewed for audiences on PBS' recent Mark Twain award to Steve Martin. (Which was a very entertaining presentation in itself.) It stars Martin (he also wrote the script) as a forgetful waiter serving Bernie (Buck Henry) and his wife/girlfriend. Steven the Waiter can't remember anything and continually asks the same questions - "Would you like anything to drink?" "Anything to drink?" "Anything to drink?" Then he brings six martinis and a lard omelet - which they didn't even order to begin with.

He brings out the desserts before the main courses, and so on and so forth.

This was presented at the awards show as the Oscar winner of 1977 for Best Short Feature. I'm not sure if it's Oscar-worthy but Martin IS very funny in it and his physical and intellectual humor is already beginning to take form in film at an early age. His stand-up shows were already hilarious and this was just another transition for him to the big screen.

If you're a fan of Martin, I highly recommend this. Also worth noting is that it was directed by Carl Gottlieb, who had a role in the movie "JAWS" and - if I'm not mistaken - helped write various forms of the screenplay.
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