Twilight Theatre (1982 TV Movie)
I Watched This On TV in 1982
9 November 2005
I watched this on TV in 1982 and still remember it. It was funny. One skit is like a public safety film on the dangers of drunk driving, with a voice over saying something like, "How many times have you seen this happen? A friend comes to your party, has too much to drink, and insists on during his steam roller home!" Steve Martin is the drunk, says, in a drunk slur, "I can drive. C'mon guys! Give me a break..." He then proceeds to run over a child who ran out in the street after his beach ball. Steve accidentally runs over him, runs back to see if the kid is okay only to find him literally flat as a pan cake with a Mr. Bill like, "No............" look on his face.

I seem to remember another skit about a cowboy rodeo rider that rides tortoises. "That's the way I want it...," says Martin the cowboy at the end of the skit.

A FUNNY show that I only saw once 23 years ago. Every one at work was talking about it the next day. They should release it on DVD or VHS.
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