More Brabantse bakken
20 November 2005
In this sequel to "Help, de dokter verzuipt" only Piet Bambergen reprises his role as the contractor while Jo De Meyere takes over the part of the doctor from Jules Croiset. Joop Doderer appears as the new chaplain and a very young Monique Rosier makes her debut as the daughter of the new schoolteacher (who falls for a gypsy boy). None of them speaks with a Brabander accent. The whole town is up and running to prepare for the arrival of a rich and terminally ill uncle from America who wants to spend his final moments in the town he was born in. They also have reason to believe this billionaire wants to spend his fortune on them.

Although writer Toon Kortooms was very pleased with the way his book was translated to the screen (he would be, as he only wrote it after the first film became a hit). Critics and audiences did not agree. TV actor Jo De Meyere did not have the chops to carry the picture while Bambergen and Doderer seemed to think they were doing one of their farces on stage, hamming it up at every opportunity. To think the producers actually tried to get John Wayne to appear as the rich American uncle! The Duke would never have agreed to play a dying man (which unfortunately he was at the time this was being shot). The part eventually went to Bruce Bennett, 'the worlds oldest living Tarzan'. Both 'Dokter' movies occasionally show up on TV, but only on weekday afternoons or late at night when nobody's watching.

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