gedeon presented a weak plot well (visually)
21 November 2005
This was a nice film to watch, in the way that looking out of the window of a bus can be lulling. The plot was saccharine, far-fetched and flimsy. It was too bad that Gedeon relied on the title of Dostoevsky's book "The Idiot" to generate interest for the story, since it was completely unrelated to the Russian novel. Calling it "Return Of The Idiot" implies that Gedeon's story had some precedence. Here he presents a sad crew of (fairly attractive, at least) inbred characters that revolve around a typical sad-sack anti-hero who, I think, the world could have done without. Thinking of the film, I almost want to rate it at less than seven out of ten, but I enjoyed myself on a cold November night, thinking of the Czech Republic, mildly delighted by the cool, hard blue-grey tones of the images and the film's low-key progression.
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