I remember it!
26 November 2005
I too am a grandma who saw this movie when I was 4 years old, it may have been one of the first movies I ever saw. I have been searching for it as well. It used to be shown occasionally on movie matinée TV shows, I am told, but with so much competition now, I doubt if it will return. It holds fond memories for me as well, it gave a poor little kid something to dream about. I would love to see it again. Margaret O'Brien was one of the all time great child stars, we don't see or hear enough about her work. Cyd Charise, and Danny Thomas were also in The Unfinished Dance. I thought with their passing the movie might be revisited but I never saw it listed. If anyone knows if it is still around in some studio archives, there are a few of us, or more, who would love seeing it again.
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