Review of Rescue 8

Rescue 8 (1958–1960)
Rescue 8 - What a great show!
27 November 2005
Rescue 8! What a great show! This is another of those little-known shows from the past that have stuck in my memory and influenced my childhood imagination. I too remember the intricate ropes and harnesses used to rescue people out of danger, and spent many hours recreating the situations with string and plastic army men. Rescue 8 was realistic and exciting, well-made and memorable, unlike the cheap imitation, 'Emergency' (no offense to Emergency fans). Where is the secret vault where these episodes are stored? Or are they lost? Perish the thought! Many other old shows have found their way back to TV or DVD, why not these? Any surviving episodes would be welcome. My eleven-year-old would enjoy them as much as I would. Hopefully the lady who commented earlier who was actually on the show could share some more of her memories with us (please).
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