The next Cult Classic!
26 November 2005
It's hard to believe this is the first script written by Steven and Whitney Boe. The characters are all so enjoyable to watch and each one has it's own voice - a rarity found in first time screenwriters.

"Nudity Required" is your basic buddy film starring Keith Andreen and Roberto Raad as Todd and Oded, two losers who work in a bowling alley. The Boes add in the supporting character of Joey (played by Whitney Leigh) to offset the "boys club" mentality. It's great to see a female character on the same level as the two male leads. She doesn't sleep with them, she doesn't get rescued by them and she's always the smartest one in the room, even if she has a mouth that would shame a sailor.

The fact that there is no actual nudity in the film is a tribute to the filmmakers who did not want to become what they're making of - the men who make these types of films in real life. We've seen enough of these low level T&A films and as they have a place in the lives of horny young boys (who could care less about plot and structure - as Oded states, "They just fast forward to the next titty shot") it's refreshing to see a young 20's genre film that has a plot and structure! The dialogue (although a bit wordy at times) is witty, hysterical, and makes sense to the characters speaking them. The overall tone is reminiscent of Kevin Smith without the crudity and this just might turn into a cult classic one day just like "Clerks."
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