Melodramas of a Geisha
12 December 2005
Even though I haven't read the book, the huge gaps in the narrative (and the unbelievable leaps of logic we are asked to buy) are a dead giveaway that this is an adaptation. And, like most adaptations, there is something literary that, by not being there, gives the impression (false, I hope) that the book is a groansome melodrama.

Now, as for the director's good name, it is permanently spoiled in my book. In fact, it makes me think that CHICAGO happened solely because of the brilliant construction that Bob Fossee and Kanter & Ebb had given it so many years before. Also, it is interesting to watch MEMOIRS with CHICAGO in mind because, in many ways, MEMOIRS is a faux musical. It's directed with a larger than life melodramatic tone that works with a musical and belittles a drama. As for the overly dramatic, let it be noted that much of the acting is hammy as hell, another negative for Rob Marshall.

In summary, it pretty much stinks and so, it's a shoo in for a Best Picture Oscar.
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