Review of Life-Size

The Wonderful World of Disney: Life-Size (2000)
Season 3, Episode 8
Once again Lindsay Lohan and Tyra Banks are fabulous!!
28 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Is there any other word you could think of to describe Tyra Banks other than fabulous? She's as beautiful as any doll you've ever come across...

And that's exactly what she is in this movie: A doll!

Casey is given a doll for her birthday by her widowed father's friend, but she's not interested. All Casey cares about is her dead Mum and she'll do anything to get her back. Casey finds a book which contains a spell to bring back the dead, a re-awakening spell and tries to use it to bring back her Mum, but it all goes horribly wrong! Instead Casey wakens her doll and brings her to life! At first Casey is very upset and hates Eve, her doll, for ruining her chance of having her Mum back, but then gradually she gets to know Eve and appreciates her... She even learns that she can't bring back her Mum, she's gone and she has to live with it and love her Dad with all her might, she still has him and needs to appreciate him more too... But then Eve goes too and both Casey and her Dad are distraught, but they still have each other!

This is a beautiful movie in my opinion, especially for little girls, but personally...

I can't wait to go and buy this movie in the shops!!!! A must see for any young family or for any young or teen girls! Especially Tyra Banks fans like myself, or Lindsay Lohan fans!

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