Kamen Rider Hibiki (2005–2006)
One of the most oddball motifs in the franchise...oh yeah...I prefer musical notes!!!
1 January 2006
If Kamen Rider Ryuki is the "black sheep" of the franchise, I can honestly say that Kamen Rider Hibiki is the "screwball" of all riders (not including Saban's "hackjob" of Black RX). Pretty much the story is about a group of "Oni" (although they have Rider in its title) hunt monsters throughout Japan called Makamou which consist of a male and female duo and their parent, which is a usually a giant monster, most of the time anyway. Story is a bit simplistic, not to mention flat. However, the character interaction is pretty good, balancing the humor and seriousness in some of them. However, because of the pattern the past few Rider series motif (such as Faiz using Greek Letters and Blade using Card Suits, the next expected thing would be musical notes). The instrument motif came as a big surprise. More so is that when you see the monsters being vanquished by musical instruments, you kind of feel sorry for them. I mean Death by Musical Instrument is a bit wrong.
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