Avoid like the Ebola Virus
28 December 2005
This is awful - plain and simple awful. The CGI is pathetic, maybe we've all been spoiled as of late with Peter Jacksons masterpieces and some of the ILM work in the Star Wars films, but this takes the doggy biscuit. A film like this lives or dies by its effects, and quite frankly this film is dead! Add that to some inept acting and direction and you have a turkey thats big enough to feed your whole family for Christmas and beyond. Save your money and go to see Kong. I'm not even getting into the nitty gritty of plots and characters because quite frankly this movie doesn't even deserve my time, effort or your money! Don't take my word for it - look at the naff picture of the gorilla on the box! It doesn't get any better I assure you!
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