Making Love (1982)
Kate's Moment Of Glory
17 January 2006
On the surface Zack and Claire seem to have it all - good marriage, great friendship, successful careers, mutual ambitions... yet unknown to Claire, Zack has long been repressing his homosexuality, and a chance encounter with Bart leads to an unravelling of lives.

The US was not ready for a mainstream film about homosexuality in 1982, and despite being helmed by Love Story's Arthur Hiller, the movie was universally slated. In 2006 we have Brokeback Mountain taking the international movie scene by storm, so is Making Love ripe for reappraisal? First the casting choices... rumours abound about then A-list stars turning the film down fearing negative impact on their careers (Goldie Hawn? Michael Douglas? Harrison Ford?). Certainly this may have lead to the casting of Jackson, Ontkean and Hamlin, all familiar faces but not exactly big stars in 1982. As Zack Ontkean appears to struggle with his role, and as a result loses sympathy. Hamlin's Bart fares better, but it is Jackson who is the revelation here. As Claire she convinces as a woman confronted with a situation she can hardly believe and is powerless to alter - her reaction to Zack's confession is top-notch. Hiller's direction is a little lacking in imagination, although having Claire and Bart talk direct to camera, as if to a therapist, is unusual and gives Hamlin and Jackson further opportunities to shine. Despite the fact that Making Love caused such a fuss in 1982, when examined in 2006 it comes across as anodyne, even bland. However, although many critics bemoaned the cosy 'happy' ending, they actually missed the real point. Yes it looks like Zack and Claire have found happiness with new partners, but keep on eye on Jackson's face as Ontkean drives away. Fox is releasing this on DVD in the US in 2006. Fingers crossed it'll follow up as a Region 2 release!
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