Star Trek Phase II (2004–2023)
A Cheap Rip-Off of a Classic Series
29 January 2006
I must say that I'm shocked with the response that this project has received, from the rapid fan base (though expected), to D.C. Fontana writing an script for this (totally unexpected). What New Voyages has done so far is to "re-make" a series using bad actors and writing. I would also stick "bad special effects" in that list as well, but at least some of the shots of the Enterprise are nice (though the CG sets LOOK CG and, thus, cheap).

As much as the creators of this fan film try to purport, the characters of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are NOT "classic characters". They are Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelley and no group of actors will ever be able to take their place. And when the attempt is made by actors who either have no talent, or a director who cannot direct them properly, the result is simply bad.

Even more laughable are the plot lines for these (currently two) episodes. If you thought "Enterprise" had some dumb episodes, don't even begin to talk about these. Shirking the Trek legacy of meaningful stories set in fantastic settings, "New Voyages" is merely content with providing stories that stick Kirk and Crew into situations that seem like bad fan fiction. With D.C. Fontana writing an episode, it will remain to be seen if anything will change, though it could be that the bad acting ruins what would have otherwise been a script that actually captures the spirit of the show.

All said, however, one cannot complain about a project that won't cost the viewers and money (time however, is a different matter). It's not any better or worse than the other fan films out there (though I think "Starship Exeter" is probably the best and "Hidden Empire" is a lot worse than this), but please, we have 78 episodes of the real, original "Star Trek", and that's good enough for me. Anything more is just a poor imitation.
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