Noite Escura (2004)
Dysfunctional family is depressing, disconsolate, dismal and dispiriting
3 February 2006
I Saw this film at the 2006 Palm Springs International Film Festival since it was Portugal's official entry to the Academy Awards. This movie is so far-fetched I'm surprised Steven Seagal wasn't in it. I just found all the events that happened to have happened in the course of one night to have been implausible. How people in the film react to things or don't react is also a little beyond belief. Since the story takes place over the course of an evening the entire film is dark and that gets a little tiresome. Beatriz Bartada is good but her character is supposed to be too homely and unappealing to be a a working girl at the club and I found that a little unbelievable since she looks better than most of girls in the movie. This film just had too much of a dark claustrophobic feel to it. I would only give this a Fair rating and give it a 5.5 out of a possible 10 and would not recommend it.
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