Review of Millions

Millions (2004)
Very very well done.
4 February 2006
This is not your typical Christmas movie. Rather, it confronts the Big Question of what it means to be a good person, and how exactly one might go about that in today's world. Protagonist Damian and his older brother Anthony come into a large fortune in a rather unusual manner. Their resulting dilemma is rescued from cliché by being set just as UK is poised to switch to the euro. Damian, played by 10-y/o Alexander Nathan Etel, is one of those "spiritual" children we've all known who at once seem both much older and much younger than their years. His movement between the worlds of reality and fantasy is presented in a manner that acknowledges his special child-consciousness without demeaning it. The materialist older brother, played by 13-y/o Lewis Owen McGibbon (do all child actors have to have three names to make up for their small stature?) provides a convincing antiphony and relief from Damian's unrelenting goodness. In all, this is a thoughtful film, with some quite interesting cinematography too, that REALLY will hold the attention of all family members.
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