great on every level
6 February 2006
"Rabbit-Proof Fence" tells the story of how the Australian government used to steal Aboriginal children from their families and put them in reeducation camps to become servants for white people, and how three girls escaped and found their way home by following a fence erected to keep rabbits out of the farms.

One thing about the movie is how it portrays A.O. Neville (Kenneth Branagh), the man who orders the girls kidnapped. Certainly his actions are racist, but you don't grow to hate him. He doesn't act out of cruelty; he believes that he's doing the right thing. Also, there's Moodoo (David Gulpilil), an Aborigine working with the government to kidnap children. We recognize that it's awful that he's working with the oppressors, but somehow he also gives the feeling that he can't continue like this.

The scene where they kidnap the girls is beyond heart-wrenching. And since we were doing the same things to the Indians in the US, we have to own up to it too. A perfect movie.
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