Nice Ensemble Mystery
7 February 2006
This is one of those dormant treasures. Few people today have heard of or remember this movie, but it was well-received in its day. Set in the south of France on a yacht, a bunch of Hollywood types go for what they think will be a fun week with a wealthy partier who is the widower of a woman killed in the opening scene. The remainder of the flick is a twist-and-turn whodunnit with lots of secrets and good costuming. The gorgeous Raquel Welch is a little more ingénue than she needed to be, but provides a sharp contrast to the beautiful, blustery Dyan Cannon, who claims she put on 30 pounds for this role although you'd be hard-pressed to tell since she's simply head-turning in a string bikini in several scenes. The most appealing guy is James Coburn, as the host of the ocean-going party who does a good job playing the jovial host with a dark side. The costuming is amazing if you figure that this film plays pretty well to your eyes today and was made in 1973. The hair styling is a bigger give-away than the clothes. Put this one in when you want to think and engage with the movie.
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