Review of Powder

Powder (1995)
"Powder" lifts the spirits beyond the everyday!!
10 February 2006
There are very few films that take a simple storyline & deliver better than good performances but "Powder" breaks the rules. Sean Patrick Flannery gives a wonderful performance worthy of honorable mention. With an excellent ensemble cast consisting of Mary Steenburgen, Lance Henricksen, & Jeff Goldbloom, "Powder" excels on a grand scale where other lower budget movies have failed. Very few quirks in editing & subtle nuances did not hurt this film enough to let it's message shine.

"Powder" is the poignant story of Jeremy "Powder" Reed, an young introverted recluse who is stumbled upon when his grandparents pass away leaving him alone on their farm. Jeremy was born to a mother who was struck by lightning thus transforming the tiny newborn to the horror of his birth father, John Box. Jeremy is a special human being because of his albino skin & hairless body, telekinetic powers, & superior intellect. Jeremy has read voraciously, has never watched television, & has never been off his grandparent's farm. Jeremy has lived in the cellar his whole life, never to have experienced the outside world.

Found by a local sheriff Doug Barnum(Henricksen) & boys state school director Jessica Caldwell(Steenburgen), Jeremy is taken from the farm & placed in the state boys home to live. While at the state boys home, Jeremy is studied by staff, ridiculed & ostracized by fellow boys, & seen more as an "object" rather than a person. State Boy's Home teacher Donald Ripley(Goldbloom) takes to Jeremy & understands more than anyone who & what Jeremy really is; a genius who is closer to being the only perfect human ever on Earth. Sheriff Barnum, dealing with his spouse dying of cancer & a strained relationship with his only son, has a lot on his plate besides Jeremy. After several run-ins at the boys home, Jeremy strikes out on his own back to his grandparent's farm. Jeremy gets a ride home from Jessica who only wants whats right for him.

Sensing the sadness in Sheriff Doug Barnum's heart, Jeremy visits his home & uses his incredible gift to give him his dying wife's last thoughts. Barnum's wife's last thoughts were of him finally letting go of her & repairing his relationship with his son. Jeremy ultimately ends up at the farm with Jessica Caldwell & is confronted by the Sheriff Barnum & State Trooper Deputy Harley Duncan. Sensing the coming storm, Jeremy runs out to the field only to reach his most yearned for place, that being the freedom of pure energy. Jeremy is happy for the first time since his grandparent's death, & now he can join them in heaven.

"Powder" will warm your heart & produce a few tears for those who love a different kind of "feel-good" film. Flannery's performance is unforgettable & vaults him above his peers as an actor. Grab your snack, drink, & box of Kleenex for this one. Enjoy!!!!
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