Guess Who (2005)
What 28 years is all about
26 February 2006
While I am still trying to catch up on the movies I missed last year, I was also celebrating 28 years of marriage to the same woman. I mean I am a guy that can't not smoke for 28 minutes; who can't stay on a diet for 28 days; well, you get the idea. 28 years is a long time and I don't know how I managed to do it.

Anyway, I selected Guess Who. Now, I cannot imagine what made me think that anyone could remake a movie that starred Spencer Tracy, Sidney Poitier, and Katharine Hepburn; much less one starring Bernie Mac and Ashton Kutcher. The trick is that you have to not compare the actors and just enjoy the movie. It was an enjoyable update of the previous classic, and it had some great moments, especially when they were talking about being complete: "That's just it, she's everything I'm not. You know, she's my other half. Without her I'm not whole. You know the thing about meeting your other half is you're walking around, you think you're happy, you think you're whole, then you realize you ain't sh*t without her. Then you can't go back to being just a half 'cause you know what it's like to be whole." Yes, that's what 28 years is all about.
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