Crisis in Sun Valley (1978 TV Movie)
Quick Before It Melts
19 February 2006
Fans of the 1974 TV movie 'The Deadly Triangle', which followed the exploits of a sheriff posted at the eponymous resort's ski lodge, will be pleased to know that two episodes of the unsold TV series were hastily cobbled together in 'Blue Peter' fashion to form a 'sequel' in an attempt to at least salvage something from the wasted footage.

Hence the presence of two distinctly separate, linear 'storylines' in which all in a day's (or two) further work for Robinette consists of rescuing some nauseatingly clean-cut students from a cliff precipice, and mediating between an old hobo and some nasty construction conglomerates who want to bulldoze his shack to build a motorway through the middle of nowhere.

Although therefore not actually conceived as one of those 70-minute TV movies typical of the 70s, the result is as frequently incompetently cranked for suspense as most of them - by directors who never went onto better things - tended to be.
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