Review of Scorned

Scorned (1993)
Truly great within its genre!
28 February 2006
I gave this film a "10" not because it is a great film generally, but because it is about the best in the class of "erotic thriller." Usually these "erotic thrillers" are wholesale stink-bombs, and are neither all that thrilling nor all that erotic. They are generally cheesy cop stories about some crazed rapist, and involve lots of victimization of women of one kind or another.

Ah, but this film is different. This film rises to the level of average film-making. The plot is serious and interesting. The characters are believable. Even the evil seductress is believable in this film! Plot: Shannon Tweed and her husband are a couple of libertine yuppies in the 1980s. Their party lifestyle is taking its toll on them however. They have crushing financial problems. When her husband pulls out all of the stops to net a big client and ends u losing the deal, he kills himself in shame. Shannon is enraged and heartbroken, and seeks vengeance on the man who won the client by infiltrating his home and setting his family against one another.

Tweed is at her sexiest in this film, seducing men, women and children to further her evil schemes. In between the steamy scenes, you might find yourself actually caring about the plot. An added bonus in my book is that the usual theme of female victims is absent from this "erotic thriller." No serial rapists stalking the city, no women terrorized or chased by maniacs, etc... although Shannon is willing to degrade herself to get what she wants. This may be a bonus for any women searching for spicier cinematic fare without the emphasis on powerless women.
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