Excellent Short
5 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"How They Get There" is a fantastic short film, possibly the best iv'e ever seen /at least the cleverest) and I recommend everyone to watch it at least once, I also recommend you buy "The Work of Director Spike Jonze" on DVD. Before I saw this short I really wanted to know what it was about but there weren't any useful information about the plot here so I decided to write some. If you for some reason can't watch this short or simply just wanna know what's it about then read the next following words.


The short begins with a close up on the shoes the lead character, a young man, is wearing. The man is hanging out drinking a small carton of milk, as he almost trips and falls he notices that the girl on the other side of the road has just imitated him. The man starts doing silly things as he walks down the road and the girl starts imitating all his moves and this starts to be like a little game between them, he starts waving his hands and doing silly walks and she does the same, this goes on for like a minute or so. But as the road ends the man fails to notice a car driving behind him. The girl stops and starts giving him signals with her hands to stop, the man thinks she's still just playing the game and waves his hands in the same motion as she does and continues walking over the road. The girl gasps hysterically. The car hits the man who flies over the automobile, the driver loses control and the car suddenly hits something and dives into the air crashing into the sidewalk and on cars, probably leaving the driver dead. The mans shoe, that appears in the first shot, flies in the air and lands on the sidewalks curve, the camera moves forward filming the curve, a little bit further the camera stops on an old shoe that's been lying there for a while. The short explains to you how shoes you see abandoned lying on the road get to be where they are, hence the title "How They Get There".
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