Classic Actors
8 March 2006
This is not a bad film to view considering it was produced in 1958 and was advance in its theory about going to the Moon. However, we must consider the famous author who wrote this story and gets all the credit. Joseph Cotton,(Victor Barbicone),"The Survivor",'81, was the scientist in this story who creates this space ship and recruits wealthy business men to finance his ventures. Henry Daniell,(Morgana),"The Body Snatchers",'45 gives a great supporting role and manages to play a good role instead of a killer or Nazi like he did in the 1940's. George Sanders,(Stuyvesant Nicholl),"Doomwatch",'72 gives the performance of a person despised by everyone, including his daughter,(Debra Paget),Virginia Nicholl, "The Haunted Palace",'63. Virginia had a boyfriend she does not want to leave and there are some romantic scenes. If you like an ancient film about going to the moon, this is the film for YOU.
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