The Sports Pages (2001 TV Movie)
2 stories - One really good, the other not so good...
10 March 2006
How Doc Waddems Finally Broke 100: Doc Waddems (Newhart) had been trying to break his 100 score in golf, and when he's starting to get lucky Howard Greene (Grammer) starts messing with his game, causing him to loose it, and in the end kill him. The whole story is in the courtroom were Doc Waddems (Newhart) is explaining everything that happened.

The Heidi Bowl: The is a true story that takes place in New York about the "Heidi Bowl" football event

When I had watched about 30 min. of this movie I was really impressed; the story + the actors were really good. And when I had finished the first story, the grade 4/5 or even 5/5 came in my head. Then the second story began... The actors (except Eugene Levy) were all terrible, and the story was not good!..

So I give the first story 10/10 and the second 4/10 > final grade: 7/10
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