Fast Workers (1933)
money cant buy you love
20 March 2006
I caught the last 45 minutes of the movie but really enjoyed it, it was kinda sad since bucker really loved Mary but then again it seemed like he was always falling in love fast, such as the nurse at the end of the scene..

but its sad how Mary was taking his hard earned dough to pay for Mary's supposedly grandma's hospital bills, thats sad. It made me think wow people played games like that back in the 30's, i guess play as were always here since way back when.. but it made me think and realize that I need to be careful when meeting girls and realize that not all girls are what they seem to be and you cant make a girl fall for you just because you help her out and give her money.

I was especially touched when Bucky told gunner something like " see its good to save your cash because you never know when you can help a good girl and make her happy" that hit home because i see myself giving girls money more than i probably should and that scared me watching that scene because here is Bucky giving her money for her to spend with Gunnar..

I for one don't want to be used.. and it made me think that just because you give a girl money and truly do all you can for her don't mean you'll have her heart, funny most of the times, she'll be in love with someone who may not even give her a dime such is gunner..

that was a wake up call, so from now on, i'll watch my money a little more better and not be so quick to use offer money to get and keep a girl interested in me, i will make sure shes interested in me for me.. thats what this film taught me, this is something everyone knows already but after watching this film it really hit me in the face..
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