Review of Life-Size

The Wonderful World of Disney: Life-Size (2000)
Season 3, Episode 8
A beautiful film from way back when Lindsay Lohan starred in good ones!
27 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Totally adorable! Lindsay Lohan and supermodel Tyra Banks are charming in this stunning supernatural drama brought to you by the way of Disney! Lohan's character is a young girl who is still stricken by the sudden death of her mother, if though it happened many years ago. She cannot forgive her mum for leaving so soon, and now as her father becomes more and more close to one of his female co-workers, she (Lohan) becomes more and more resentful and starts to exclude herself for the things she normally loves the most.

One day, she visits a magic shop and steals a book that promises to hold secrets about bringing back the dead. She takes the book up and performs a ritual from it. Earlier on in the evening, in an attempt to bond with her, her father's girlfriend had presented her with one of the most popular dolls in town, called Eve. The doll's hair accidentally gets mixed up with that of Lohan's character's mum's in a hairbrush and comes to life by way of Tyra Banks when the spell is complete.

The film then develops into a slapstick comedy as this fully life sized doll tries to fit in with the real world much to Lohan's shock. The real life doll begins to fall in love with Lohan's dad and they soon realise that if the doll is not returned to it's natural state, she will remain in the real world forever. Tyra/Eve doesn't have a problem with this, until one day on the news, she hears that her brand of Eve dolls is about to be canceled forever. Armed with the wisdom she had acquired from the real world, she returns to dolly-world, leaving a heartbroken Lohan, with whom she has formed a bond, behind.
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