The Color of Friendship (2000 TV Movie)
A most wonderful surprise, just like what the "user ratings" reported.
12 April 2006
Glad I check out this site for good movies! I had SO many to choose from tonight, but after seeing all the "user ratings" it was obvious which one would be a good one. I suspend objectivity to a degree to get into watching any movie, or else I'd merely be seeing a flickering lit screen. But I thought this movie did very well, even if the insensitivity of the Dellum was atrocious. But others were just as myopic & self-absorbed in their own unconscious & asleep ego. (Yes, that's redundant.) Although I thought for the message sake that the Dellum family in real life was not like that portrayed. Funny how they were proud to be fighting racism & apartheid, but were SO insensitive & racists (like we all can be & are at times, depending on how you define racism). It's good to know who you are & what type (?) of people you resonate with. As it turns out only 5% of the users voted this movie to be a 1,2, or 3. Looks like a chunk of the brain got removed along with a heart bypass. Pity, to have lost your humanity & have no heart. How else could this be explained? I found this movie to be very moving, honest & real. And it's not just for kids. Acting's very good too. This movie sheds light & opens the heart. What do you want for 2 hours of your life? Special effects? Violence? A "good" guy vs. "bad" guy "moral"? How quaint, gullible & escapist can that be, or maybe not. Anyway, if you're alive with a heart & soul, then this ones for you. Anyway, the race war is being won here in the U.S. so far, at least until overpopulating, immigration, & economic degradation raises up it little ugly head. (This is an easy topic to address, but try the war between the sexes (genders). Good luck!)
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