Review of He & She

He & She (1967–1968)
WAY ahead of it's time!
12 April 2006
This show definitely had a Mary Tyler Moore Show feel to it. The reason? It was produced by David Davis, who went on to produce all those classic sitcoms for MTM Studios in the early 70's (MTM, Bob Newhart, Rhoda, etc). If this show had come along 3 years later, it would have fit right into that popular CBS Saturday night comedy block & would have been held in equal esteem with those aforementioned classics. The premise: Benjamin & Prentiss as the anti-Petries! Benjamin's character being a sort of Rob Petrie with the deadpan of a Bob Hartley & Prentiss as a less-whiney Laura Petrie/Mary Richards (see the connection?). Davis backed them up with his usual brilliant ensemble casting: Jack Cassidy in his most cartoonish role ever as 'actor' Oscar North, a precursor of Ted Baxter (but even MORE vain, if you can imagine) & the great Kenneth Mars (Franz Liebkind in "The Producers") lending his talents as Harry the fireman, who regularly made his entrance from the fire station into the Hollister's living room via a wooden plank precariously placed on the window ledges between the buildings (yet another great running gag). Sadly, CBS didn't know what to do with this one & the show was bounced around the schedule before suffering it's untimely demise after just one underrated & under-appreciated season.

Someone PLEASE bring this one back!
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