This time, the Man With No Name has a defined profession
22 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"For A Few Dollars More" sees the return of the Stranger, the Man With No Name, but this time he has a defined profession, as a bounty hunter… He is searching for a drug-addicted murderer, known as El Indio…

The film opens with another bounty hunter, Colonel Mortimer (Lee Van Cleef) arriving in the town of Tucumcari and with great coolness and precision killing one of his list of wanted men as the suspect attempts to flee… Mortimer then goes to the saloon where he encounters No Name, who is calmly dispatching four men at a saloon… No Name walks, in a leisurely manner, to the sheriff's office to collect the bounty on their heads… Having established their mutual aims and equal talents, the two men decide to team up in pursuit of El Indio… The murderer is portrayed as infinitely more evil than the two conscience-free professionals: he has a positive relish for killing…

EI Indio is planning to rob the bank at El Paso, so the bounty hunters meet up there in order to waylay him… During the discussion that leads up to the showdown, it is revealed in flashback that Mortimer has a personal score to settle with the villain… Nothing is revealed about No Name's past in this conversation, and typically in keeping with the characterization, No Name infiltrates El Indio's gang…

This continuing challenge to the Western myth of the perfect hero and the irredeemably evil villain was spelled out in words at the beginning of the film: 'Where life had no value, death, sometimes, had its price.'

Within this mayhem, Leone tried to stick to his new morality. 'I wanted to show that most heroes do what they do for money. I also wanted to prove that bad guys can sometimes have their good side. Al Capone, for instance, had a certain kind of humanity.'
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