Christine (1983)
King + Carptenter = GOLD!
3 May 2006
I loved Christine as a book, but that was in part to the movie, Since I grew up watching this movie. When I read the book I was surprise it was so different. But I didn't have a problem with that, it was a very good adaptation with one of John Carpenter's trade marks Great special effects. I know how they had christine put herself back together, but it's still amazing for the 80's, even by today standards(Because it would be all CGI and look terrible).

I am also surprise that not many horror fans (at least around this area) don't talk about this movie or like it. This is one of carpenter's best, it's up there with "The Thing", "halloween", or "Escape from New York". There arn't too many bad Carpenter movies.

Stephen King has a lot of good stories that are just messed up when they are made into films, but not Christine. King should just let Carpenter or George A. Romero, do all his movies from now on.

P.S. The world will be a sad place once John Carpenter leaves us.
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