WWE Royal Rumble (2006 TV Special)
The best match is the opener!
7 May 2006
1) 6-Man Invitational for the Cruiserweight title. Kid Kash vs. Funaki vs. Jamie Noble vs. Paul London vs. Nunzio vs. Gregory Helms. A great choice for an opener. Fast-paced match with lots of high spots. ***

2) Mickie James vs. Ashley, with Trish as the special guest ref. A mediocre match. You get the feeling that Mickie would like to get more technical (nice single-leg boston crabs), but the match is pulled towards a catfight, probably to cover up the inexperience of Ashley. Don't get me wrong, though, Ashley is undeniably learning. **

3) JBL vs. The Boogeyman. What can I say about this? Awful, but at least short. *

4) The Royal Rumble Match. The middle part is kind of exhausting, but the beginning and the end, when the action can be followed more clearly, are very entertaining. The constant dedications to the memory of the late Eddie Guerrero are a matter of taste, though. Personally I find them distasteful. ***

5) Edge vs. John Cena (WWE title). An average match that offers something we haven't seen before: Cena getting out-wrestled most of the way, but coming out on top at the end! Who would have thought? **

6) Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry (WH title). Before the match, Angle cuts a HILARIOUS promo ("Oh, and by the way....Mark Henry, YOU SUCK!"). The match itself tells an interesting story: Kurt realizes that he can't beat the World's Fattest - em, I mean Strongest - Man with sheer technique, so he has to resort to cheating tactics (chair shots, etc.). **1/2

After the match, the Undertaker appears and, with the help of some ridiculous pyrotechnics, makes the ring collapse.
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