Nostalgic and Wonderful
15 May 2006
What a show! I remember watching this when I was so young, and for the longest time whenever I talked about it everyone thought I was crazy because no one remembered it. But just because a lot of people don't remember it that doesn't mean it wasn't terrific! This show had everything that little kids would want in a TV show—video game heroes, an imaginary land where your games come to life, a princess to appeal to little girls, and characters that could make you laugh. The main character, Kevin, completely has the whole 80's character feel to him: a smart aleck who loves everything electronic, takes on the world single-handedly, and being more into his video games than real life. It totally takes me back to being little, to the good 'ol days when 8-bit Nintendo was the best $100 you could spend, and cartoons were the way they should be—animation that ISN'T done on a computer, innocent (for the most part), and free of big-eyed, big-lipped sassy girls who only care about their clothes and makeup. I give this show an eight rating for its content, characters, and being so kid-friendly. The negative two points only exist because I haven't seen this show in seventeen years, and can't make an adult decision. It'd probably be more if I watched it now. : )
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