excellent Lloyd film
15 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I'll admit that this isn't Harold Lloyd's best picture. However, even a second-rate Lloyd feature is still an excellent movie and well worth your time due to its excellent story telling and acting.

Harold is a young multi-millionaire who falls for the daughter of a social reformer in the poor part of town. Harold wants to help them--mostly because he finds Jobyna Ralston to be quite a hot tamale--something that seems to occur in all their films. At one point, to help her and her missionary father, Harold runs throughout the slums starting fights and irritating people in order to get them to chase him. Ultimately he leads these dozens of men into the mission where he is able to persuade them to stay and the mission is a success. This is a cute gag sequence.

What happens after this and the climatic chase sequence is certainly nothing new--it all reminds you of many other Lloyd films. But considering how well-made it is, this can be forgiven.
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