I feel bad for Stan Lee!
27 May 2006
I love X-Men, the first two were good films, and then this came out. From about twenty minutes into the film I started to shake my head until the end credits. I feel that The X-Men Franchise should be put in a hole deeper than six feet so I won't have to put up with People that just destroy the whole universe of the X-Men.

I have to ask these questions, Where is Gambit? and Why has Morph been over looked for the third time? I feel that this franchise passed up Gambit too many times, three strikes and your out, so he should either get his own film or we pretend this movie never happened and Make a real X-Men three. Morph is a huge part of Wolverine's character and they seem to not even care about that.

Juggernaut was a big disappointment, they cast the wrong guy for it and then gave him crappy lines, but then again everyone got bad lines. That brings me to my next question. When did Storm become the strongest mutant of all time? I mean really what can she do? Make it rain a little, or no! run for the hills. Halle Berry can't act! She got a big part in this movie and she had bad lines and she delivered them poorly. All I have to say to her is stop crying about not winning an Oscar or anything else, because all you deserve is a pink slip from life.

They trashed Wolverine's character, Logan is a loner, he couldn't care less about the X-Men and motivational speeches are not his job their Cyclops', but I'm not even going to get into that. But here's another question for you people that did or will watch this movie, What happened to Nightcrawler?

I feel bad for Stan Lee, he was a producer on this disaster, he should have said, maybe this isn't a best idea. Comic book movies just took one huge step backwards.

I did like Jamie Madrox Showing up, "Multiple Man" or "the man of a thousand personalities" is one of my favorite minor mutants, but that's what he was in this. just another minor / useless character. If they used his character right, he could have brought a million more laughs to this film that it really needed.

Over all this movie should be thrown away! If you have not seen this movie yet, please don't. I need to cost this movie at least 30 bucks to make myself feel better. If you don't take this warning to heart I'm telling you after you see it, you'll be on your knees crying. I hope that when My friends and I were complaining about this film on the way out we stopped at least five people from seeing this movie. Any money this movie makes I'll blame on the teaser of "Snakes on a Plane" in the previews. I hate to say it, but that teaser got a much better reaction then this film and I know it'll be better, because it's gonna have to really try to be a worse movie.
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