They Live (1988)
Put on the glasses!
29 May 2006
"They Live" A great John Carpenter flick. Based on the short story "eight O'clock in the morning." Roddy Piper plays Nada, which is what his character is, nothing. Nada is a drifter just looking for work. He finds a job at a construction company. There he meets Frank played by Keith David which you might remember from another carpenter flick, "The Thing". Frank helps Nada out and their friendship almost begins and ends there, but Nada starts sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. he starts to look around a strange church, where he finds a box of sunglasses and that is only the beginning of Nada's adventures.

I loved this movie, it has something special about it. John carpenter knew what he needed to tell/show you to have everyone understand the plot, but still seem distance enough to be "fiction".

All I have to say is this is a movie that should be seen, it's worth it. After you see this movie, you'll have to take a good look around, because really, everything isn't what it seems to be.
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