This should be rated higher...
1 June 2006
IMDb voters gave this a movie a 4.3 out of 10. Looking at the breakdown, you'll see that a majority of voters gave it a "1" - my guess is that very few of these voters actually saw the movie. The second largest group gave it a 10.

The movie skates across the country, interviewing dozens of average people doing the mundane and the marvelous. We meet a 70-year old oil field firefighter, a coal miner, a bicycle messenger, a vineyard owner... and so on. The cinematography is at times sumptuous and breathtaking with a great music track. The movie moves. It never gets boring and is almost always inspirational.

This movie remains on my TIVO and I watch it frequently.It is a celebration of freedom and individuality. It may be titled "America's Heart and Soul" - but it could have been titled "Humankind's Heart and Soul" because it's a celebration of what's great about all of us - wherever we live.
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