Review of Fatwa

Fatwa (2006)
A confused mess of a film
8 June 2006
<< some may consider a few things below spoilers, but i do not. they have no impact on the storyline and give nothing away >>

this film was the worst i have seen in quite some time. the first 3/4 of the film have nothing at all to do with the storyline and just consist of drawn out character development for characters i care less than nothing about. the last 1/4 had what looked like the start of a promising thriller in it, but then it all just fell apart. I'm trying hard not to give anything away for those who do wish to see it, but the ending makes no sense in several different ways and there is a very high level of politicking going on here.

its hard to tell whether those who made the film wanted to snipe at the middle east or the Americans, because both will be insulted after seeing this film. our 'terrorist' has rather serious mental health problems, which seems to suggest that he has no rational justification for the acts he planned to carry out. near the end we are given his reasoning but the fact that a Libyan (the only non American in sight) is mentally disturbed and a terrorist is deeply insulting. as for the Americans, well the film opens with the thickest piece of hypocrisy I've ever seen, george bush making a speech. even those who are bush supporters would have to admit that this speech and the propaganda that is spouted by laurens character during the film is at least as true (if not more true) if you replace words like 'terrorist' and 'muslim' with 'soldier' and 'american' or 'christian'.

i fail to see what point, if any, this film was trying to get across to the viewer. its overuse of tertiary characters, the inexplicable decisions made by them, the lack of any drive in the narrative (if you can call it that), and that mentioned above makes this a truly shameful waste of time and money for all those involved and any who choose to see it. i rate this film 0/10, which is rare, because i see no redeeming features in it whatsoever. some, however, may enjoy the sex scenes so for those only wanting to see that, i give it 3/10.
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