Avoid at all costs
12 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
While this might sound harsh, you really don't want to sit through this - unless you are a Lovecraft fanatic. But even then - like me - you'll wish you'd never bothered.

SPOILERS This movie takes a fairly lame HP Lovecraft short story - too short to stretch to feature length as proved here - and makes a campy pantomime complete with terrible acting, ridiculous wigs and some cheap and nasty cgi.

It seems like a third of the film's running time is given over to nonsensical montage flashes. The same few images over and over again. It gets incredibly tedious. As does the music which seems to play away in the background through every second of the film regardless of any attempt at mood or atmosphere. (of which there is none)

The film makers are unable to tell any semblance of story, or write dialogue that isn't excruciating or even generate anything on screen resembling suspense resulting in a state of suspended apathy from the viewer.

There is one moment of interest - a few lines of dialogue from Tom Savini - but he's in it for around a minute.

Sadly - as I support low budget film making - this is the worst kind of home-made garbage. It's as if nobody involved had any clue about how to shoot a picture, or any creative talent. The whole thing is embarrassing to sit through. Somewhat akin to watching a few hours of family video - although that usually makes more sense - but of people you don't know or care about, doing pointless things for 80 minutes.

"Anducious" (sp?) the monster/genius/lump on a guys back is also dire - so anyone wanting a rampaging monster-fest (like a few other HPL adaptations have somehow become) will be disappointed too - in that it has about 10 seconds screen time before slumping pointlessly to the floor.

Which is exactly what I did after watching this flimsy, miserable, waste of film.

I can only presume the other user comments on here are from people involved in the movie trying to drum up interest. My condolences to them!
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