Undiscovered (2005)
Musician Appeal
24 June 2006
Thought the plot, the characters, the setting, and especially the music fit in every way the tunes, especially "Smart In A Stupid Way" and "Boomerang". Undiscovered has a musician's feel that non-musician's could easily miss. Life of musicians is hectic enough, as in all areas of performing arts. Add to that formula an attempt at true romance while trying to pull it all off with an artist's feel, even by actors playing musicians, and that's quite a feat. This movie was obviously not meant to be some chromed rich kid glamor story about rock musicians. It's a picture of real life in the quest for fame and musical discovery, which in final leans more to the side of musical creation than performing. Thus its setting has that raw quality of down to earth smelly club carpet intermixed with a glamor chase, eventually resulting in neither, but instead a down home one on one relationship with one's music and one's lover.

The soundtrack is excellent, the pop song composition is rich, and the musical performers are 'tight'. Some of the AR record scouts are slimy, which is not totally accurate in the real world, but enough to get the point across in the movie that songwriting carries many more benefits than performing.
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