Almost Angels (1962)
A young boy is welcomed into the Vienna Boys Choir to the delight of his mother, and the dismay (but later delight) of his father
25 June 2006
I'll be brief. "Almost Angels" has always been one of my favorite live-action Disney movies because of the singing and the story. As a young boy, I enjoyed music (I still do), and always thought having an experience like Tony's would be wonderful.

Sean Scully, a stock Disney child actor, does an OK job as the older boy whose voice is changing. Not great, but OK. I do have to say that his choral directing technique needs lots of work, however; he would have benefited from some simple instruction.

The movie is delightfully family-safe. Some will love it, some will think it's cheesy (which it may be). If you like music, especially the Vienna Choir Boys, watch the movie. Don't watch it to be intellectually challenged or anything like that. Watch it for the entertainment value. The Boys Choir music is wonderful, the scenery is beautiful. It has a reasonably realistic storyline, and most of the actors do a fair job.

I would love to see this on DVD someday - I would buy it immediately. Until then, you'll just have to look for it at the video store or watch for it on the Disney Channel.
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