Nick Fury: Agent of Shield (1998 TV Movie)
David Haselhoff is Nick Fury, this movie isn't...
5 July 2006
This movie was atrocious. There, I said it. The only good part, sadly, was the Hoff. I found him to be a believable Nick Fury. Everyone else on the other hand, whoa! Boy did some of them suck. Viper? Holy cow, someone give her some anti-pyschotics. There is a difference between acting in a comic book movie and acting like a cartoon character. She was WAY over the top. I was afraid she was going to jump out of the TV and stab me with her pinky nail. She reminded me of the over acting from the Dick Tracey movie villains. And what's with her and her brother? I really kept getting that weird incest vibe from these two. I half expected them to start making out in front of their froze fathers corpse. And that English dude? WTF was up with his over the top accent? It's like they said, "be REALLY English, people will love it." It's really distracting. And speaking of distracting, was anyone else really distracted by Val's HUGE F'ing lips! Sweet Jesus, I thought Angelina Jolie had huge DSLs! I wish they'd not let some of these people's performances detract from this film like they did. I don't even really know what the story was now, but it doesn't matter. I couldn't sit through those peoples' garbage again.
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