Murder by Natural Causes (1979 TV Movie)
Keeps ya guessing all the way through the closing credits
15 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As others have said, this is one of the best television movies of all time...and it's hardly ever rerun on late night cable. Hal Holbrook and Barry Bostwick play off each other in a vivid game of cat and mouse as the husband and suitor of Holbrook's wife, the beautiful Katherine Ross. Richard Anderson plays the family retainer with a few secrets up his sleeve, too.

The writing, from the "Columbo" creative team of Levinson and Link, is Emmy-worthy, as are the performance from the three principals.

When Holbrook delivers the last line, the viewer shouts, "I know he didn't say that!" The final words truly deliver a thought-provoking punch!
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