The Mighty Boosh (2003–2007)
Not just adolescent humour
20 July 2006
Everyone's entitled to their opinion and comedy is a matter of personal taste. However, don't be misled by most of the negative comments about the Boosch. It is NOT just humour for adolescents. I'm nearing retirement age and I remember Hancock in the early sixties but I think this programme is excellent. I think American sitcoms are generally grossly overrated (I despair at the popularity of that awful smug tripe known as Friends) and have been concerned at the recent trend to try and imitate this style in British sitcoms. The Boosch has no truck with that approach. It is wonderfully uncompromising in following the British tradition of not writing to a ratings-chasing formula (which nearly all US sitcoms do) but says "if you like this - fine but we're not going to water it down just to try and make it more acceptable to a mass audience". Whether you like it will depend on your personal taste in humour but it is right up there with the Goons, Python, the Young Ones, Father Ted and the rest. Future series may not be up to the standard of the first two but so what? There are only two series of Fawlty Towers but that's not exactly branded it a failure. Incidentally, I'm not totally anti US sitcoms. The Simpsons was great at first (well beyond its sell-by date now though) and one of the greatest of all time was, of course, Bilko.
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