Incredibly dishonest
1 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Give thanks to the internet. After bringing forth Nigerian money scams, phishing scams, identity theft, email viruses, spyware and stupid urban legends, now it thrusts upon us yet another abomination we have to warn all our friends and relatives about. Loose Change, and it's various 'editions'.

First things first. Do not believe a word this video says. Sources include anti-semitic 'news' organisations, wacky mad-scientists and alternative-science 'entrepreneurs'. (But of course they don't tell you this.) When it does cite legitimate news providers, the stories are almost always from the immediate aftermath of the attacks - a confusing time when even the media organisations themselves admit they made a terrible mess of the reporting.

If you're not careful you'll get suckered in by its logical trickery. A military document about 'Operation Northwoods', a sinister plan to stage a fake terrorist attack on US citizens, supposedly proves the government is willing to attack its own people. Yet, read the fine print: in Operation Northwoods nobody was to be killed, or even hurt; civilians weren't involved at all. And more importantly the idea never even went into planning because the government wasn't prepared to carry it out! So what does this prove again? Beware the cheap tricks to make you think the Osama Bin Laden confession video is fake. Think carefully about the astounding claims that someone stole $200 billion in gold and silver from under the World Trade Center (try calculating how much that weighs!). Ask yourself if its really possible all the phonecalls from the hijacked planes were faked. Could somebody impersonate your wife/husband without you realising? There's example after example, of dishonesty, trickery and stupidity. Take a look around the internet for the Loose Change Viewers Guide. Although a little sarcastic it lists literally hundreds of distortions, quotes out of contexts and logical blunders, and it gives the real facts behind some of the conveniently truncated quotes.

Worst of all though, despite pleas to the contrary Loose Change is an insult to the memories of those who died, those who mourn them, and those who struggled to save lives. Without daring to point the finger directly Loose Change's innuendo implicitly accuses thousands of citizens of complicity in murder. The crimes proposed simply couldn't have been committed without the assistance or subsequent lies of local government employees, clean-up workers, medical staff, coroners, the NYPD, the FDNY, hundreds of other agencies and private companies and most importantly the victims and their bereaved relatives.

It's an appalling, egotistical, nasty piece of work.
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