Lies, lies and more lies.
1 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made me very very angry, and not because of what it implies. But because so many people are actually swallowing this hogwash hook line and sinker. How can anyone possibly believe this crap when i would take you 15 minutes and an internet connection to find out that more or less every single claim is simply not true.

The people behind this mess simply don't have a clue. They seem to have made no actual research of their own. They have just put together a number of other peoples "research" without even the slightest attempt to even check if the facts are correct. If they had, they would have known that Flight 77 had Rolls Royce engines and the wreckage shown in the film DOES match the engines of Flight 77. Or maybe they do know and are just lying about it.

And this is certainly not the only time the film makes false claims about evidence presented on screen. They also fail to mention that not a single structural engineer supports the idea that there were bombs in the buildings.

Other things such as the gold under the WTC and the faked phonecalls are just ridiculous and makes me wonder what they were smoking while making this film.

And as usual with these stupid conspiracy theories, they fail to present any coherent theory of what really happened, they simply line up a number of lies and imagined anomalies in the official version and claim that this is evidence the government did it.

But I wont go into detail about all the errors and lies in this film, other websites that have done that already. The stupid message aside, even the technical aspects are not that impressive, the graphics are pretty ugly, the music dull and even the speaker voice gets pretty annoying after a while.
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